– Brand
  • Windcraft (5)
  • BG (4)
  • Yamaha (3)
  • Kolbl (2)
  • Vandoren (2)
  • Buffet (1)
  • Hodge (1)
– Maintenance
  • Pull Thru / Swab (2)
+ Price
  • £0 - £500 (12)
  • £0 - £15 (6)

Clarinet Swabs

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Windcraft Bb Clarinet or Flute Swab - Handkerchief

Windcraft Bb Clarinet or Flute Swab - Handkerchief

Windcraft Bb Clarinet Swab - Chamois Style

Windcraft Bb Clarinet Swab - Chamois Style

Windcraft Deluxe Pull Thru / Swab - Clarinet and Flute

Windcraft Deluxe Pull Thru / Swab - Clarinet and Flute

BG A31 Mouthpiece and Bocal Cleaning Swab

BG A31 Mouthpiece and Bocal Cleaning Swab

BG A32 Bb Clarinet / Alto Clarinet Pull Through - Microfibre

BG A32 Bb Clarinet / Alto Clarinet Pull Through - Microfibre

Yamaha Clarinet Pull Through - Medium CLSM3

Yamaha Clarinet Pull Through - Medium CLSM3

BG A30A Alto Sax or Bass Clarinet Swab - Round Design

BG A30A Alto Sax or Bass Clarinet Swab - Round Design

BG A33 Eb Clarinet or Soprano Sax Swab - Microfibre

BG A33 Eb Clarinet or Soprano Sax Swab - Microfibre

Windcraft Chamois Clarinet Pullthrough - with Zip Lock Bag

Windcraft Chamois Clarinet Pullthrough - with Zip Lock Bag

Kolbl DeLuxe Microfibre Cleaning Swab - Alto or Tenor Saxophone or Bass Clarinet

Kolbl DeLuxe Microfibre Cleaning Swab - Alto or Tenor Saxophone or Bass Clarinet

Vandoren Clarinet Swab Microfiber SW200

Vandoren Clarinet Swab Microfiber SW200

Buffet Swab Microfiber - full absorption - Nano-technology

Buffet Swab Microfiber - full absorption - Nano-technology

Hodge 100% Silk Clarinet Swab - Various Colours

Hodge 100% Silk Clarinet Swab - Various Colours

Yamaha Microfiber Mouthpiece Swab

Yamaha Microfiber Mouthpiece Swab

Bass Clarinet Tiger Swab

Bass Clarinet Tiger Swab

Vandoren Bass Clarinet Swab Microfiber SW300

Vandoren Bass Clarinet Swab Microfiber SW300


PREMIUM Set-Up: Information

Our PREMIUM Set-Up instruments have been chosen by our Workshop Technicians to receive an enhanced and customised pre-sale preparation.

This can include use of specialised materials and processes to enhance the feel, response and playability of the instrument.

A full list of the specific set-up materials and processes is offered on these selected instrument pages.